Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Paper Dollars

It was a rip-off.

That's how it felt when I paid what I always have paid for my grande (yes, I upgraded from tall) Starbucks coffee. I paid in U.S. dollars. The adjusted price was the two dollar bills plus 24 Canadian cents. It is not that I paid more for it that makes a rip-off (the regular Canadian dollar price is $2.10), but the fact that I paid in PAPER bills. The money felt to have had more value than, say, when I would have to pay using a two dollar Canadian coin plus a dime. Two (or even ten, depending how much change I happen to carry) COINS versus two dollar BILLS makes a huge difference on how I perceived my expense.

Well, that's what I heard is partly why there doesn't exist Canadian dollar bills; just coins.

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